Be sure to carefully follow all the GPP or JNSQ installation instructions.
If installing with Galileo's Planet Pack or JNSQ, it is recommended that you download and install those mods first, and confirm their correct operation before installing GEP. Install by copying/merging the GameData folder from the Kopernicus download to your KSP install.
Download the third party mod Kopernicus.
If starting with an entirely new install, it is recommended that you run once with no mods installed before proceeding.
If reusing an existing install, empty the GameData folder of all contents but for the folders "Squad" and (if you own DLCs) "SquadExpansion". Begin with an installation of KSP version 1.12.2 or later, running in 64-bit. And with the optional add-on GEP_Primary, GEP takes center stage as the primary star system, with the planet Nodens as the home world. It also works in combination with Outer Planets Mod (OPM). It can be added to the stock solar system, Galileo's Planet Pack (GPP), or JNSQ. GEP is designed to provide several installation options. Or, if you don't trust our binary, build the mod from the Ὑπατία release.Grannus Expansion Pack (GEP) is an planet pack that turns a single star system into a binary system by adding the red dwarf star Grannus, along with its family of five major planets, two dwarf planets, and seven moons. Principia is released on every new moon with whatever features and bug fixes are ready at the time. The change log gives a fairly detailed description of the new features in each release. The FAQ explain how to install, how to report bugs and documents the known issues and limitations.
We also have a guide explaining how to use the support for rendezvous. To go to the Mun with Principia in an energy-efficient manner. In particular, you should learn about the plotting frame and flight planning. Therefore, before using the mod we recommend that you read the concepts document which explains the most important parts of Principia. N-body gravitation is more complex than the toy physics of the stock game. This makes it possible to implement missions that are more complex and more realistic than in the stock game, especially if used in conjunction with a mod like RealSolarSystem which has real-life celestials. Instead of being within the sphere of influence of a single celestial body at any point in time, your vessels are influenced by all the celestials. Principia is a mod for Kerbal Space Program (KSP) which implements N-body and extended body gravitation. Ὑπατία, the April version of Principia, is available.